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24-in T-REX Reamer 2.875-in API Reg Box x 50k Swivel

929.00 LBS
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The Vermeer 24-in (61-cm) T-REX reamer takes a bite out of tough conditions on your horizontal directional drilling job. œ”2.875-in (7.3-cm) API reg box x 50k (22,679.6 kg) swivel. œ”Ruggedly constructed with work-hardened, high-alloy steel. œ”Unique, steep, rear-tapered design for ease of pushback when needed. œ”Optional built-in swivel or thru-shaft designs are also available. œ”High-wear areas are made to last with a resilient carbide mesh grit hard facing. œ”Equipped with oversized shark teeth tooling for aggressive, yet smooth, cutting action. œ”Ideal HDD tooling for cobble, chunk rock and soft rock.